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2 Tips on Handstand Walking

Today’s workout calls for handstand walking.

After you’ve practiced and developed a strong foundation in the static handstand, we can begin to practice walking upside-down in a handstand. Here are two cues to help you get better at walking on your hands:

1. Short & Choppy Strides

The most common fault I see when someone begins to practice handstand walking is overstriding. As a general rule, your stride should never outreach the fingertips of your opposite hand. The short steps help keep your hips and knees stacked over top of your wrists.

The second component you want in your stride is to keep it choppy. Choppy steps prevent you from shifting your weight too far to one side, thus allowing your weight to stay in the center of your body mass.

In other words, keep your “steps” small and quick.

2. Externally Rotate the Wrist

Rotating the fingers out improves the range of motion for your wrist. If your fingers are facing forward like in a static handstand, your wrist goes into excessive flexion that tends to throw your balance off.

When walking on your hands, your center of mass needs to be slightly forward. This requires more flexion in the wrists, so turning your fingers out will help you pick up and set your hands down easier.

Here’s a short 3-minute video demonstrating these two cues.

Good luck today!


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